Monday, July 9, 2012

History of Writing

Writing has changed a great deal over the years, and it sometimes can take a little bit of time and effort to be able to read and truly understand writing from a different time. The only reason that we are able to have the knowledge and understand what has happened throughout history is through the documentation by certain individuals. It is quite interesting to see how stories vary from one time to another, and depending upon the opinion or the beliefs of the writer the story could change dramatically.

The Stories we Tell
A lot of people do not realize the dramatic differences that have occurred in stories throughout the years. An excellent example of this is the fairy tales. Originally many of these fairy tales were created as a way in order to scare children into behaving. For example: Little Red Riding Hood was a story that actually was originally created for teaching the dangers of the outside world to little girls. Fairy tales are now used as heartwarming feel good stories to tell your children at bedtime, or for them to see brought to life in the movies. Translating these stories has changed them over the years as well. Cinderella is actually known for having lost her glass slipper due to a mistake in a translation, in the original story she was actually wearing a fur slipper. It is amazing to see how stories change from one generation to the next, but many of the quality “Classic” stories and novels seem to stand the test of time and are still being read today.

How Writer’s have Changed

Writers have also changed a great deal over the years. Many of the early writers were not well educated. Most of the education that they received was self-taught. Books were not as easy to come by since they did not have an easy way to distribute to the masses. Some writers actually had people write their stories down for them. It is believed that Shakespeare actually did not write his own plays. He created the stories, but was unable to actually write them down himself so he had someone do that for him.
Today’s society has allowed a great deal of people to be able to get a higher education. The creation of student loans and scholarships has allowed individuals the ability to go to college or even get a Masters or Doctorate level degree. Many of these people go on to write books around the basis of their degree and are often published. This has helped with advances in many sections of education such as psychology, science, and medicine.

Creative stories are still thriving. You have many novels such as the Harry Potter, Twilight, Hunger Games, or The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo that were all series of novels that were extremely popular, and were later turned into big screen productions. People still truly enjoy reading a quality story and then see it come to life on the big screen. There are many other series such as the Sookie Stackhouse or Pretty Little Liars novels that have been made into small screen productions and seem to have an extremely strong following.

Where Writing is Headed
Society as a whole seems to still truly enjoy reading a good story.  The only difference is that in the future most novels will not be printed, but will be acquired electronically. Print has become so expensive; the increase in the price of fuel combined with a lot of the environmental concerns has made it extremely expensive to produce printed material. This is why many places such as bookstores, newspapers, and print shops have been going out of business in droves over the past few years. Electronic media is much more cost effective, and is a way for the industry to get their information out to a great deal of people rather quickly.

Do you think that your printed books will be worth a lot of money in 20 years?

How likely are you to completely convert your library to all electronic files?

Write Words Editing

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