Amy Evenson

Meet Amy Evenson

I am a 34 year old freelance writer who has written short articles    about nearly everything under the sun like how to trap animals,    product descriptions, health articles, and cosmetic procedures. I've    written longer articles that required quite a bit of research    including health and wellness for those over age 45 and how to start    a human resources department from the ground up.

I've loved writing since I was a kid and have been doing it most of my life. In college, I had an academic paper published in the school literary book as an example of taking writing to the next level. The book was given to incoming freshmen as a guide to writing great    papers.
Write Words Editing has been a part of my life for about 6 months and have loved it every step of the way.  The support I have    received as well as the wide range of experience in writing has made    me more flexible and the knowledge gained with every assignment has been priceless.

Once I commit to writing an article, paper, or whatever you need, I write with all I have to give you the quality you deserve.

A short example of my writing is below:

The advertising world is a very interesting place designed to make you want the things you don’t need and instill fear to sell a product. No one is immune to the giant advertising machines. Unfortunately, the advertising techniques employed can also promote gender stereotypes. Directed marketing aims to ensnare the youngest children and make them loyal buyers for life as well as enforce the roles girls and boys are supposed to possess. This goes on at all age levels: preschool, grade school, adolescent and teenage years, through twenty, thirty and forty something’s and beyond. Sometimes the advertising techniques are obvious. From Axe selling their products to  make men more desirable to Olay marketing to “older” women to disguise and slow the signs of  aging.

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