Wednesday, June 27, 2012

SEO and Social Networks – What are Social Networks

SEO and Social Networks can be a great way for you to be able to get the word out on your company without having to invest a lot of money right away on building a website. Starting up a new company or launching a new product can become quite expensive. Fortunately, the world of social networking has made life a little bit easier for companies that need to launch new advertising or marketing campaigns.

How to Use Social Networks to your Benefit
There are a lot of ways that you can use SEO and social networks to your benefit for little to no out of pocket expense. Before getting started you need to understand the theory behind social networks.

 It is a way for people to connect across the globe, share photos, videos, interests, or just chat and see what everyone is up to. It is a great way to connect with a lot of people rather quickly, and for this reason it is important for you to develop a company account on all of the major social networking sites.

Social networks such as,,  and all have places where a company can sign-up for a free account in order to be able to advertise their company or website. You can post announcements daily on upcoming events, promotions, or simply just let people know that you are excited about a new product launch. Many companies now even provide incentives to follow or like their pages such as a coupon.

Why SEO is Still important on the Social Networks
You may think that because you are working on your social networks that SEO is no longer important, but you could not be more wrong. SEO and Social Networks go hand in hand, especially if you are someone that is setting up your social networking sites before you establish your own webpage. Type in almost any set of keywords and you will see that social networking pages pop-up in the results as well. It is critical to make sure that your SEO guidelines are followed like when you learned, How to Know Your Keywords.

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